As I read Gateway Pundit's post about the Organization of Islamic Conference where "the UN contends that Muslims are at risk of a racial holocaust," I began to think about how zealous and fervent Muslims are about their religion. They are outspoken, vocal and quite militant about Islam and the practice of it. We're at a point where prayer in school or just in public spaces, period, is looked down upon and mocked, yet Muslim prayer calls over loudspeakers is acceptable.
Homosexuals and their supporters rampaged Christian churches and terrorized Mormons based on their support of Prop 8, and many attempted to blame black people, yet nary a peep was heard about Muslim support of Prop 8. Why? Because folks know a Muslim will cut you and cut you deep if you try to defame their religion or a mosque.
Even before 9/11 provoked this wave of "sympathy" for Islam and its followers, people have had a certain sort of respect for Muslims and their religion, a respect that precludes them from mocking Allah or Muhammad, et al.
Not so for Christians!
We're mocked openly, lampooned, derided, and kicked. No one is afraid of us or any sort of retaliation. There is no fear of what would happen if someone harassed or terrorized a Christian church. Daily, teachers attempt to undermine biblical teachings (I'm in college and I have a professor who seems to get her rocks off on trying to poke holes into Christianity based on the "archaeological record"), and just about anyone who prays or carries a bible is looked upon askance.
Because we're wusses. Christians today have too much world in them and not enough Jesus. We're as fat and comfortable as unsaved Americans, and don't get me started on the fact that Sunday is the most segregated day of the week.
There has to be a reason Billy Graham is revered by the American public--he's shown the might and power of God. Us everyday Christians do not. We have the same attitudes, actions and responses as the world. And to make matters worse, a lot of Christians are simply religious and use the Gospel for material and sexual gain. When these fakers and false prophets are exposed, and "religious/conservative" leaders and politicians are caught with their pants down, it further heightens the contempt shown towards Christians.
When the Israelites were doing good, every nation around them trembled in awe and fear over their God. God did stupendous miracles for His people, feats that were solely to reflect His glory on earth and His glory through His people. That is how we are supposed to live on this planet. Christians have been playing "church" for far too long, and that is why we have no respect and definitely do not reflect God's might and awesomeness on earth. I don't mean that Christians need to intimidate people, or be crazy zealots who riot at the mere mention of Jesus' name by an unbeliever, but we, as Christians, have let the world blaspheme and jerk around the name of the Lord. Not only do we not approach Him with fear and trembling, but we show the same contempt and take Him for granted, just like the world.
The cult of Rome is real.
14 hours ago
I just came across your blog, from someone from the Conservative Black Woman.
I'm not black, but I am a Christian who love the Lord. My husband is a strong believer that the church has become a 'wussy' because of the watering down of the Word of God. As has been said, satan has more Bibles than God does.
If we all would even be unified in the Word, I think we could become unified in the world.
What do you think?
i'm not white and not black; not red green or yellow; pink nor blue.
I'm God's. So are you. I'm and American just like you; a protestant.
The mission of satan via the Jesuits is working; almost to the point people can't orate what it is they believe or Know to be truth - the total onslaught of lies have taken their toll over the years where even in 1950 a person was born into romes jesuit society in america covering up the protestant reformation.
Ordained and sworn blood oaths to eliminate/destroy the reformation because Martin Luther pointed to rome and called her by her name: Anti-Christ.
Everywhere in our society they infiltrate in order to gain - not for themselves but for Rome.
Rome's jesuits have molested children since before there was a word describing it. There's still no word describing it. It is what they have sworn to do to ruin any thing good and pure and moral before men - via a thing jesuits call church and priests.
Millions upon millions of torn lifes and dollars stuffed in pockets with no accountability whatsoever. The Lord said to Expose people like this. If the president of america is in on it, I am disobediant to God if I do not expose him by saying so. I am saying So, and will until the Lord returns.
I love the article exposing our selves as wusses. It makes me think how much I am or not; and consider my actions forward.
Guilt would have me consider I am a wuss. I think i have been but not any more. I didn't have enough of what it takes; and that's not a "pair" as some might think but solid ground in Jesus Christ.
I suggest a solid year studying rome vatican and backed by scripture and find for yourself why, whom, where and when the terrible day of the Lord will arrive when He destroys satan who follows the current standing blasphemous pontus poop; self appointedness Joe.
We are unified in spirit. The word is written on our hearts and minds - "..but that One of perdition be revealed" is why we wait and watch and EXPOSE it and point to it and say so, until He comes.
To the Overcomers, is your just reward (coming).
Islam is a product of rome so the two should look alike in their finality - that being, convert or die. I'm never going to die, so, that's out, for me.
Have you read the Verona Treaty? Agenda 21, Sustainable Developement?
EVERY other "religion" in the world is worshipping saturn (satan) indicated by the six-pointed star dating to the 2nd century, so far.
Speaking of little else, God rescued his children time and time again from their imaginations (sun worship sun day is roman). God numbered the days for a reason, this is why - Anti-christ. She caused american functional illiteracy via the Jesuits'infiltration of america, since our inception, by the day, night, year, decade, under cover of darkness and especially while we pay less and less attention, while they make it worse (pant, pant) with other agendea - by design.
I've had the same thoughts. It has always been open season on Christians. People feel they can do and say what they want to us.
I've always considred myself an "Old Testament" Christian; so to speak.
Yes i know that there were no Christians before Christ. Yet i feel that since all things were created by, for and through Him, the saints who were waiting on the prophesied Savior may as well be Christians.
The reason people treat us any kind of way and give other faiths a pass is as you said, seeing charlatans running rampant on tv and getting caught and also it is a matter of reading one's own opinions into verses such as "turn the other cheek", the meek shall inherit the earth", "go the extra mile" and many others.
For some reason they interpret these scriptures as saying 'be a wimp.' Yet there are scriptures when Paul writes in 2 Corintians 11:19-2, "You gladly put up with fools since you are so wise! In fact, you even put up with anyone who enslaves you or exploits you or takes advantage of you or pushes himself forward or slaps you in the face. To my shame I admit that we were too weak for that!"
Now we know that Paul greatly suffered physically for Christ. He was beaten, flogged, stoned, shipwerecked and many other terrible things happened to him as he served and glorified God. Also there was mental suffering for his followers when they were led astray by false doctines of men. Yet we should not interpret the aforementioned scriptures and Paul's sufferings to mean we are to be walked on and over in every single incident.
In other words, yes, there are times when God requires us to "turn the other cheek", "go the extra mile" and even give our lives. Yet sometimes you must defend yourself as well as your family and God's sanctuary (Jesus driving the peddlers out of the temple with a whip He made!) when necessary. That is called righteous indignation.
On another occassion when Christ was sending out His disciples He told them to arm themselves. Many people don't believe this. Here it is:
"Then Jesus asked them, "When I sent you without purse, bag or sandals, did you lack anything?" "Nothing," they answered. He said to them, "But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don't have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one." Luke 32:35, 36. Jesus didn't tell them to buy a sword so they could slice through butter!
We all know with just His Word Jesus could have stopped any attack made against His followers. Yet He told them to buy a sword. Now this doesn't mean Christians should instigate anything violent. As i stated earlier God may require our lives at any moment without defending ourselves (remember the Columbine shooting? One of the killers asked a young girl hiding was she a Christian? She said yes and he shot her to death. She died professing her faith.)
Again in no way am i advocating violence or the instigation of violence. Yet as Ecclesiates 3 says:
There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under heaven:
A time to be silent and a time to speak,
A time for war and a time for peace.
This site is a breath of fresh air...thanx!
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